We are the news
At Bdaily Marketing, we help clients promote their products and services to an engaged online audience of businesses and business people.
Our exclusive news platform, Bdaily, has been delivering the latest business news for almost two decades.
With hundreds of thousands of readers each month and over 45,000 subscribers to our daily news bulletin emails, we can deliver your message to the people you want to reach.

Exclusively digital
Led by an experienced reporting team, we craft daily news stories and feature articles alongside expert analysis and informed opinion that goes beyond the headlines to provide deeper meaning and understanding.
Published across our fully-responsive website, email bulletin and social media channels, our original journalism – which is complemented by commercial partnerships – amplifies companies' voices, celebrates their domestic and global impression, provides a platform for next-generation ideas to flourish and leads conversations that set blueprints for prosperity.

Meet the team

Hello! We’re Bdaily, a market-leading B2B publisher. Founded in 2007 and now powered by the team at NET, Bdaily has more than 17 years of experience and connections to help your business grow.
We can provide unparalleled reach to an engaged audience of influential decision-makers across the UK business landscape, helping establish connections, credibility and trust.
Our expert and experienced editorial team, delivers news, opinion and insightful content through email, online and social media channels to help you
connect with your target audience.
Get in touch
We know that getting the most from working with us starts with a good chat.
Drop us a line and someone will be in touch.
Contact us